In good company

Fr. Anthony Ruff, OSB, who teaches liturgy, liturgical music, and Gregorian chant at St. John’s University School of Theology-Seminary in Collegeville, has posted the reading list for his Sacraments of Initiation course. Included on it is my book, The Eucharistic Prayer: A User’s Guide. I was excited to see it there, of course, and then exceedingly humbled when I saw all the other great stuff on the list. What remarkable company to be in!

Fr. Anthony’s list is here.

“They called him the electric eel”: St. Philip Neri

NeriI’ve loved St. Philip Neri for a long time. So when I noticed that his 500th birthday is approaching on July 22, I couldn’t resist the chance to prepare an article about him. Our Sunday Visitor has graciously published it. The article is now on their website, and it will appear in the July 12 print edition, too. The article opens:

They called him “the electric eel,” because just being around him often was enough to jolt your lazy conscience and make you want to live a better life, without ever feeling alienated or condemned. This year, the 500th anniversary of St. Philip Neri’s birth offers Christians a good opportunity to look again at his life and to be jolted anew by his inspiring witness.

Keep reading here.